Monday, April 9, 2012

resource #1

In one article they made a reference to soybeans in Japanese cuisine that is high in nutrition without having an overabundance of calories, this national research lab shows the statistics of the soybean.  Foods that are made from soybeans in Asian culture are Tofu, miso, natto , tempeh, soybean sprouts, and soysauce.  By  using this healthy kind of food in things like tofu, it is possible that many people can get their daily servings of protein every day without having to consume more calories than needed.  Another good alternative to many things is soymilk. This allows lactose intolerant individuals to gain the vitamins they need like calcium.  Since it was made of soybeans in the first place the nutritional value like protein iron and vitamin B will be added in as well.

 "National Soybean Research Laboratory." NSRL : About Soy: Soybean Nutrition. Web. 09 Apr. 2012. <>.

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