Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Mythical world of anthropophagy

This piece by arens explains in his own way, how there is a connection between sex and eating.  It also implies a sort of cannibalism that in a very disturbing way. He also stated that many races decided that others were cannibals and that lead to many conflicts of warfare etc.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin, I'm happy to see that you have a post on your blog. However, these posts should be at least 250 words, and you should not only be summarizing the main ideas of the text, but you should be making connections between them. For instance, you could be thinking about the essay on disgust and how it relates to Arens' ideas, or thinking about how sexuality and gender impact our ideas of "otherness." Focus on the aspects of the essay that interest you the most. Please extend this to receive credit. Also, remember your MLA citation at the top.
