Thursday, November 10, 2011

Template #2

The case against college
The general arguement that is made by dale Stephens from his work, "the case against college" is that college puts their students into major debt.
More specifically he writes that students do not need a college degree to be successful in life.  In this passage he writes that __________________________.  In this passage he suggests that college really isn't necessary for people to succeed and it really does do more bad than good. 
In conclusion dale Stephens' belief is that college puts people into debt and it truly isn't necessary in society.  He is definitely right that it does put some students into deep financial trouble but he is wrong when he states that it is not necessary.  More specifically i believe that it is almost impossible for someone to succeed in society without college.  For example, most employers today look for atleast a 4 year degree before hiring anybody.
Although Dale stephens might object that people need college, i maintain that it is definitely necassary in society for people to succeed.
Therefore i conclude that, Dale Stephens is partially right with his passage, " The case against college"

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